Chew On Revelation:Preparing The End-Time Church


TAKE A GOD-INSPIRED JOURNEY THROUGH THE LAST BOOK OF THE BIBLE. The time is near—and Chew on Revelation is here to help you get ready. Pastor Dr Chew Weng Chee, founder and Senior Pastor of SIBKL, one of the leading churches in Malaysia, reveals his insights and thoughts into one of the most provocative books of the Bible: Revelation. The result of a year-long study undertaken in the midst of a global pandemic, Chew on Revelation accompanies a three-month teaching series on Revelation that Dr Chew conducted for his church members in 2021. Here, Dr Chew goes deeper into some of the long-held questions of the end times. Who is this book for? What is the Great Tribulation? Why does God allow us to suffer? How can we form a complete theological approach to death? Come with an open heart, a student’s mind, and a sensitive spirit. You might find that Chew on Revelation will give you a renewed fervour for the end of the ages.