1. What is CzipFam?
CzipFam is short for “CzipFamily”, and it’s where we give our family special perks such as discounts and updates on the latest events and promotions. 

2. How do I sign up or register for membership?
Online: You can create an account on https://shop.cziplee.com/account/register
In-store: You can register at the cashier counter at any of our physical stores by providing your details, and you can enjoy the member’s discount on the spot. 

3. What are the benefits of becoming a member?
As a CzipFam, you get to enjoy member’s discounts, special discounts for seasonal promotions, as well as updates on the latest events and promotions. 

4. Do I need to pay for the membership?
Membership is free of charge. 

5. I already have a CzipFam membership previously. How do I enjoy the member’s discount?
Online: We have sent an email for you to activate your account and reset your password. Once logged in, you are ready to shop online! Members’ discount and/or special promotion discounts will be reflected on your cart and checkout page. If you did not receive our email or have any issues logging in, please contact us at ask@cziplee.com.

In-store: Just quote your email address or contact number at the cashier counter at any CzipLee stores (Czip+ by CzipLee & CzipLee Bangsar Village II) and the members’ discount will be reflected on your receipt. 

6. Does the member’s discount apply for all items? 
Currently, members discount are valid for all brands and categories* except:

  • Lamy
  • Magazines
  • Sumthingsofmine
  • Menn Studio

*In some cases there will be no extra discount on best buy items.

7. Can I still collect points?
We are currently working on a new loyalty programme, we will launch and update soon. 

8. What about my points collected previously? 
All your balance points accumulated from the app previously will be converted to a gift card, and a code will be emailed to you. You can apply this gift card in-store or online for your next purchase.