A Chance Encounter at Sungai Chiling


Award Winning Stories from the Malaysian Short Story Writing Competition 2022.

A diverse array of stories, reflecting various styles, thematic concerns and settings. A strong presence of Malaysian English, a hallmark of creative writing in English in Malaysia. There is a seamless incorporation of local idiomatic expression and code-switching, utilising words and phrases from local languages infusing all the stories with a distinct Malaysian flavour.

Writers include:
Sharmilla Ganesan, Lam Kok Liang, Miriam Devaprasana, Sumitra Selvaraj, Hoo Sze Ling, Yeoh Jun Ee, Joshua Lim, Poh Tun Min, Lim Wan Phiang, Fong Min Hun, Chloe Hor, and Wong Xiu Wei.