Chinspirations Volume 3 by Kenneth Chin



Quotes are simple and easy to catch, but they don’t just give us a straight-out answer; they encourage us to go deeper instead. A memorable quote stays in your memory, gets you thinking… and hopefully comes to mind when you need that encouragement or direction the most.

About the Author:

Kenneth Chin, a lawyer by training, has dedicated his life since 1995 to help inspire people to believe. In 2000, Kenneth founded the Acts Church, a dynamic family church that has grown from 3 people to over 1,700 to date with a clear mission to “make disciples that will make the difference”. Kenneth has been featured and interviewed on a number of occasions in major local newspapers and on national television respectively for his many youth and community developing efforts through AYA and Acts.

As a preacher of the Bible, Pastor Kenneth crosses both international and denominational borders with the message of faith and faithfulness and is fully committed to strengthening believers in and through the local church as true agents of change and hope in this world.