Ten Commitments of a Leader Committed To Growth by Kenneth Chin


“Leaders are not born but made.”

They are thrust into the limelight and are formed and moulded into one. These and other nuggets of truth will challenge your understanding of what it takes to be a leader - and how to choose one for succession.

The Ten Commitments of a Leader Committed to Growth is a biblical guide to leadership, written for leaders by a leader. It is based on sound principles from God’s word, and is filled with real-life examples and anecdotes from decades of personal experience.

What does a leader look like? This book will show you several biblical models, such as one who adopts the Paul and Timothy father-son relationship, one who is able to submit to a higher authority, and one who delegates work to the faithful.

Easy to read and written in an engaging manner, The Ten Commitments is a practical book laid out in numerical progression - from following Jesus the One to learning from the Seven Deacons, applying the eight Beatitudes, displaying the nine fruit of the Spirit, and keeping God’s Ten Commandments.

This book can be used as a leadership manual or checklist, and is applicable not only for
church leaders but for the marketplace and at home - regardless of where you are in your leadership journey.