VAN GOGH Watercolour Pocket Box 12Pans+Brush


Capture inspiration wherever it strikes with the compact yet professional Van Gogh Watercolour Pocket Set. This portable tin contains 12 ultra-concentrated watercolor half-pans made from premium pigments and gum arabic binder - Burnt Sienna, Caput Mortuum Violet, Ivory Black, Lemon Yellow, Permanent Red Deep, Rembrandt Ochre Deep, Sap Green, Titanium Opaque White, Ultramarine Blue, Van Dyke Brown, Yellow Ochre, and Zinc White. The intense, intermixable colors allow you to achieve remarkably vibrant washes and mixes for dynamic plein air or studio paintings. The included miniature brush fits neatly in the tin for convenience. With its superior quality yet travel-friendly design, this indispensable Van Gogh watercolor set empowers you to elevate your water media art wherever your creativity takes you.

Article No: 20808631