MOLESKINE Art Plus Watercolour Block Large Black


The Moleskine Art Plus Watercolor Block is a premium-quality watercolor paper pad designed for artists who work with wet media. Crafted with high-quality, heavy 200 gsm paper, this block provides a reliable and versatile surface for watercolor painting, gouache, and other water-based techniques. The paper is cold-pressed, offering a textured surface that allows for optimal paint absorption and color vibrancy. The block is glued on all four sides, preventing the paper from warping or buckling when wet, and allowing artists to paint without the need for stretching or taping down the paper. Its portable and compact design makes it perfect for both studio work and outdoor painting. Whether you're a professional artist or a hobbyist, the Moleskine Art Plus Watercolor Block offers the perfect combination of durability, functionality, and portability for capturing your watercolor creations wherever inspiration strikes.

Article No: ARTWBL3